Category: Church History

  • Argula von Grumbach: Speaking Truth to Power

    Argula von Grumbach: Speaking Truth to Power

    What should be done when those in authority misuse their God-given power? The most striking example is that of Jesus’ willing submission to the human systems that persecuted him and ultimately crucified an innocent man. Pilate reminded Jesus, “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?” Yet, Jesus’s reply…

  • Macrina: Mother of the Early Church

    Macrina: Mother of the Early Church

      In the study of Patristics, a major challenge is to understand the contributions of women. From the Latin, pater, the term literally means ‘study of the fathers.’ What a tragedy that an entire field of study in Christian history is named in such a way that masks, excludes, and dismisses the influence of women during this…

  • The Ministry of Women in the New Testament

    The Ministry of Women in the New Testament

    In this comprehensive volume Dorothy A. Lee traces women’s ministry in a systematic way through the New Testament and into the traditions of the early church.  Part 1: Women’s Ministry in the New Testament 1. Mark and Matthew 2. Gospel of Luke 3. Acts 4. Gospel of John 5. Paul’s Letters: Historical and Thematic Issues…

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